In Ghost of Tsushima, there is a side quest known as a helping hand ghost of Tsushima. It does not appear on the map since it is one of the hidden stories of Iki Island. The only way to get this quest is from a farmer, but you must look for it in these three areas;
Look for it on the north side of Tatsu’s level in the forest.
Visit Kidafure Battleground Beach
Look for it at Yahata Lighthouse Beach.
The Beauty of Iron Grip
The Friend Trophy of all riders.
Table of Contents
Quest of a Helping Hand Ghost of Tsushima
Let the mission start:
Help is helping a man build a house for him since it was destroyed by the Mongols during the war. He must ask 3 times to give him the necessary materials for the construction. He will live either by the river, in the forest, or in the forest. The location will not be marked on the map, so the white smoke acts as an indicator of its current location.
First thing: yew wood.
Location: In the forest.
From the forest began to search for you. He was trying to find a yew tree. The task is to find him and give him this item.
Second item: Predator Hides
Location: In the fields.
The second thing he’s looking for is Predator Hides. Try to find it in the field. Talk to him and give him this.
The third element is iron.
Location: On the beach.
The third element is iron. You must see it on the beach. You can post it there. After you help him with the missing items, don’t add this quest to your journal. You can visit the house he recently built and this is where the search for help ends!
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