Cat injuries are a normal part of cat ownership. Despite their soft, furry exterior and dainty appeal, cats are quite clumsy. These situations can lead to cat injuries that require special pet care. Some of which cat owners may not be familiar with.
If there is one cat parent that silently prays for Fluffy to steer clear of injury, it is you. Keep reading for tips on how to avoid pet injuries.
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1. Beware of Outdoor Hazards
To prevent common cat injuries related to outdoor activity, there are several steps that pets can take. Make sure that your cat is spayed or neutered to reduce the cat’s likelihood of roaming.
Keep your cat confined to a secure outdoor area to avoid predators, fighting with other cats, and disease from contaminated soil. Install river lattice or chicken wire fencing to ensure that cats stay inside.
Teach your cat to come when called by associating positive reinforcement with her response. Feed your cat indoors away from potential predators, and provide safe toys and platforms for outdoor playtime.
2. Ensure Proper Pet Supervision
It is essential to provide proper pet supervision to help prevent common cat injuries. Make sure you are present when cats are outdoors and learn the tell-tale signs of impending injury prevention.
Regularly inspect outdoors for unsafe objects, animals, or conditions that can harm your cat. During playtime, never use your hands or feet as toys.
Be aware of sudden changes in pet behavior that may indicate they are fatigued or in discomfort. If cats show signs of distress, provide breaks from playtime or move them to a safe area.
Ensure there are plenty of scratching posts available in the home to keep nails trimmed and away from furniture and skin. Establish a regular exercise and play routine, but make sure to never overexert cats.
Monitor children when playing with cats, and never leave babies or toddlers alone with cats. Ensure the home, furniture, and outdoors remain tidy, as tripping hazards and cluttered items can lead to injury.
A program like MyCPR NOW Pet CPR Certification offers online courses that will teach pet owners how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Learning these techniques is important to know in the event of an emergency.
3. Monitor Your Cat’s Activity Levels
Monitoring your cat’s activity levels is one of the most important steps you can take in preventing common cat injuries. If you have a very active cat, pay close attention to any problems they may display.
This could be a sign of stress and fatigue. Make sure they are getting adequate exercise daily, either outdoors or with toys indoors. Limit their exposure to potential hazards like stairs. Be sure to continuously inspect their environment for dangerous objects.
Establish boundaries such as not allowing them to jump off high furniture, as this can cause bone fractures or soft tissue injuries. Pay attention to how they move and take them in for a check-up if needed.
Learn How to Prevent Cat Injuries
It’s important to take active steps to ensure your cat’s health and safety. Proper precautions and attentive care, like avoiding common hazards, providing exercise, and visiting the vet regularly, will ensure your cat’s health.
Take these simple steps to ensure your cat’s safety and stay home hazard-free for years to come. Above all, it is important to check in on your cat regularly and be mindful of any changes in behavior or health.
For the best pet health information, be sure to check out the rest of our blog 5elifestyle!