Debra Jeter, a native of Texas, completed her education in a local public school in Texas, United States of America. When her husband Lee Jeter filed for divorce, it angered him. Concerned about a custody battle over their two children, Kelsey and Kiersten. Debra has passed from this world and has apparently taken her own life.
Debra, who hailed from Hillsborough, Texas in the United States, attempted suicide on Mother’s Day on May 21, 2009, while she and her two daughters were at home. He was 41 years old at the time and decided to commit suicide. Life because she could not accept that she would lose her husband and children when Lee Jeter filed for divorce against her.
In 2004, he was accused of physically abusing his daughter Kiersten, but the charges were dropped after he underwent treatment to recover from mental health issues. A bit apprehensive about getting a court injunction against him. The court granted Debra’s request for unassisted visitation just 3 weeks after she lifted the controlling request just one day after she tried to self-destruct in her home.
On June 5, 2009, cruel mother Debra was found guilty of the deaths of her children and sentenced to prison for her actions. She described the horrific incident when she called 911 to report her daughter’s death. He notified the dispatcher. They cut the throats of their children. Everyone was shocked by the tragic incident as he left his 13-year-old daughter Kiersten to fight for her life while his 12-year-old daughter Kelsey was found dead.
She lured her little girls and moved into an abandoned farmhouse located on Highway 35 on the same day she took her children to meet her unassisted. Despite the fact that the children had no idea that their mother was making an illegal plan to kill her daughters. They were eager to meet him. When Debra pulls out a knife and starts attacking Kiersten, the kids are completely taken aback, and Kiersten yells for her sister to stop.
After stabbing Kiersten in the back when she tried to save her sister, Debra then turned her attention to Kelsey. Debra kills her daughter Kelsey by slitting her throat, on purpose as she was in a very scary situation. The incident occurred four hours after Debra picked up her children.
Debra Jeter Obituary
Debra Jeter, who was born in Carrollton, Georgia in the United States, died on January 14, 2021. She was born on November 20, 1962, in Randolph County, Georgia, and was happily raised by her parents, Billy and Palona Jeter. She was an academic affairs program specialist at a special school in West Georgia. In addition, he belonged to Indian Creek Baptist Church. It was announced that Debra’s funeral will be held on Monday, January 18, 2021, at around 2 p.m. The rights were conducted by Bro. Doyle Jackson was left behind with interment at the Mass Cemetery at Indian brook Baptist Church.
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